Saturday, February 28, 2009

Fun-filled Saturday

Since neither Jeff or I had basketball games today, we decided to spend the day at the beach. We decided to go on our biking/rollerblading stroll along the beach in Santa Monica. The last time we did it was 2 week before Harper was born (and I will never do it again being that pregnant). It was a really nice, super warm day and there were a lot of people out. I was pushing the kids in double stroller on my rollerblades and Jeff was biking. We went for a little over 10 miles! It was a lot of fun to relax, get excercise, talk and enjoy Southern California's weather. Needless to say, by the end of it I was exhausted and I am not looking forward to soreness tomorrow, but it was sure enjoyable. I hope we get to do it againg in the near future.

Так как мы часто ленимся по субботам и они поэтому не заметно пролетают, в этот раз мы запланировали поездку на пляж. Погода была чудесная. Мы взяли с собой двойную коляску, мои ролики и Джеффа велосипед и поехали на Санта Монику. Мы проехали (Джефф на велосипеде и я толкая коляску на роликах) чуть больше 10-и миль по побережью! У меня так точно завтра будет конкретная крепатура, но она того стоит. Надеюсь что мы повторим эту суботту в ближайшем будущем - после того как крепатура сойдет :)

This is what fresh ocean air does to kids - they fell asllep halfway into our ride and woke up just as we got back to our starting point. We then got some McDonald's ice cream cones for a treat and headed home. A day well spent.

Малые так разморились, что на полпути отвалились и не проснулись до самого конца. После этого мы остановились в МакДональдсе за мороженным и поехали домой. Вообщем классно провели время.


Jeanne Anderson said...

OH! That looks like so much fun. You are just making my spring fever worse! Those little boys are just too much. :)

Pomona Noltes said...

What a great day! I can't believe how far you went on rollerblades. Yeah, I'll bet you woke up SO sore! Way to get out there and do something active. You guys are awesome.

Brian and Monica said...

So Cute! I would love to go to hte beach; you're so lucky. We will be in town Tues - Sat. I think Disneyland will be Tues, Wed and Fri. Call me and let me know what your plans are!