Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Harper is ONE!

That's right, Harper is officially not a baby anymore, and I officially do not have an excuse for carrying around extra weight. Harper is our sweet little boy, who loves to laugh and play.

Here are his doc stats:

Weight - 22 lbs 3 oz - 41%
Height - 31 in - 85%

His head circumference went from 64th percentile 3 months ago to 93rd - man, that kid either is forming a ton of synapses and getting smarter by the day, or he is turning into a tadpole.

New things he does:
  • He is almost walking - give him another week or so and he will be on the move (video of it deserves its own post)
  • Stands for extended periods of time
  • When asked where is the light, he points to it
  • Same with 'mouth', if we ask him "what's in your mouth?" he immediately takes out whatever it is he has in there
  • He is our crazy climber, and climbs almost anything. The other day he climbed onto Andre's chair and from there proceeded and succeeded at climbing onto the glider.

Harpers favorite toys are balls - in any shape, size or form- and SOCKS! No wonder I can hardly find any kids' paired socks!

The pictures of cake eating and party are to come, since we are having it on May 2nd.

Харпер теперь официально не младенец, а маленький мальчик. Пока еще фотографий с поеданием торта и парти нет, т.к. праздновать будем с друзьями 2-го мая. А пока вот его статистические данные:

Вес - 10,09 кг (41%)
Рост - 78,74 см (85%)

Окружность головы у нас изменилась с 64% 3 месяца назад до 93% - так что мы растим умного головастика.

  • Харпер почти ходит - и наверное через пару недель перестанет ползать - видео заслуживает индивидуального поста
  • Самостоятельно стоит
  • Карабкается на все что может
  • На вопрос "Где свет?" - показывает на свет
  • На вопрос "Где рот?" - показывает на свой рот

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