Thursday, January 22, 2009

Harper is 9 months old!

Yep, you read it right - Harper is whole 9 months old! He is till very much a momma's boy a.k.a a stinker, but we love him dearly and wouldn't trade him for the world.

Here are his 9-month stats:
Height - 29.75 in - 91%
Weight - 20 lbs - 42%
Head circumference - 18 in - 69%

The things he does - army crawls, but pretty much pulls himself on just his left forearm; claps with enthusiasm, waves when he feels like it, pulls himself up to standing if he has enough energy and if he feels like it, slowly cruises on the furniture - not without falling, gets into everything he is not supposed to - favorite being outlets and cords, loves his brother and follows him around, laughs at him, loves to bang his hands on pretty much anything, loves to play with balls, his choo-choo train, Andre's Thomas train (Andre is almost never thrilled about Harper joining in on his fun), loves to eat and wants to eat everything we eat - forget baby food, loves his parents and can be cute and cuddly at times - he is our sweet little angel.

Вот так время и летит - Харперу сегодня ровно 9 месяцев.

Его данные:
Рост - 75,5 см (91%)
Вес - 9 кг (42%)
Объем головы - 45,5 см (69%)

Что он умеет и любит делать: умеет плакать и ныть (он у нас профессионал в этом плане); ползает как партизан, тянет все тело на одном левом локте; апплодирует с энтузиазмом; когда хочет - машет рукой; стоит держась за мебель и медленно передвигается по мебели (иногда не без падений); лезет куда нельзя - розетки и провода у нас любимые игрушки - жаль что мама не дает поиграть; в основном обожает своего братика и ползает за ним вслед; звонко смеется вместе с Андреем; любит играть с мячиками и паровозиком, читать книжки; любит покушать (в большом количестве) и требует взрослую еду - пюрешки нас особо не устраивают; любит родителей - вот такой он наш маленький ангеленок.


Alice said...

Wow, It's been a long time since we saw you. . . like around our wedding! Such cute kids. I tried to invite you, but I think I may have your email wrong. Could you send it to me again, please? And it sounds like you are also into digi stuff--I totally want to see what you've made! (Ruth was my RS pres and I visit taught her for like two weeks before we moved--VERY small world)

Unknown said...

Wow, 9 months already. Look at those beautiful eyes! what a cutie!