Thursday, September 13, 2007


Andre and I were picking Jeff up after work, as we had the car to run a few errands during the day. Instead of hanging out in the parking structure, we decided to go to the park and wait for Jeff there. Andre's favorite thing to do - push, though he prefers strollers, he is quite good at pushing other stuff: shopping carts in the stores, chairs, people... well, pretty much anything :)

Andre also took liking to slides, and as soon as he gets down he tries to climb back up (so far unsuccessfully)

Checking out what's going on behind him

Being very careful on the bridge

All tired out - water break

Finally Dad is done for the day. Andre was very cute and would not walk unless Jeff was holding his hand.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Jeff,
It's Raun. I see you're still wearing that Jayhawks shirt. Awesome. Anyway, just thought I'd say hi. Seems like everything is going well for your family in L.A. Keep in touch.

Raun, Lori, and Emily