Too many presents! I think we need to stop by the orphanage and drop some of these off.
The busy ball bopper kept Andre busy for several seconds. Then it was on to other toys. At the party--we had lots of fun swimming in the pool.
Don't worry, the boy had plenty of sunscreen on.
playing "Pass the Parcel" with the children. Masha made a lovely curious George cake, all set about with strawberries and the little ballon was Andre's cake.
Just disovering that frosting tastes good. Whoa! I can't waste any more time--I'll just plant my face right in it. mmm... what a delightful pastry. Do I detect a hint of spiced rum flavoring, or would that be a swirl of candied cinnamon apple? Bravo! Is that a hobo that just fell into a nuclear waste dump?
We always wondered what Andre would look like with Bluto's beard. The cake....its....its uh... beaten me, ma. I can't stand it anymore, yet I can't look away. Never mind, I got my second wind. If I can just fit this whole piece in at once...
(just play the music from "2001: A Space Odyssey" in your head for this picture (below)). Any wonder we had monkeys as the theme for the party? Does someone me up here...I can't seem to move on my own power no more. After being hosed off.
Yesterday I decided to have Andre feed himself. I made broccoli-apple sauce mixed grain cereal, which was denser than usual so it would not run off the spoon and let Andre go at it. It was pretty funny to watch him. At first he decided to use his fingers and try it out. Then I put the spoon in his hand and he got a hang of scooping food up and putting it in his mouth. He definitely did better than I expected. After he was done - he headed straight for the bath :) Spoon...hand...I can't quite make up my mind Yum! Scoop it up I think I got it Andre saying "all done" The cereal was all over his tummy
After looking at the picture of Andre's spiked hair 2 posts ago we decided it was time for the boy's first haircut. The task proved itself not as easy as one might think, as the clippers weren't made to cut wispy thin hair of Andre's. Mom had to go over and over the same spot quite a few times to get the job done, while the boy grew impatient by the second. But he did survive and looks like a little boy. You might not see a big difference in the pictures, but there actually is some and the boy looks neater with his close-cropped hairstyle.
Ever since Andre mastered walking, he doesn't stop. He just keeps going and going and going... Which makes his Mom and Dad exhausted in about 20 minutes or so. And it looks like in a couple of weeks he might start running. Oh no!
Just thought those were a couple of cute pictures of Jeff and Andre in the park in Beverly Hills
We visited LA Zoo this Saturday. We had a lot of fun. Andre loved being outside and looking at the animals. His favorite by far were flamingoes (just like his grandma Irene) and monkeys. He really enjoyed following the monkeys jumping in their cage. Anyway, we had a blast.
My new hairdo, I styled it with sunscreen
Whoa, look at those flamingoes
Those are some skinny legs
How do those not break?
Watching the elephant with Daddy
Fun in the park
At the end of the day with giraffes in the background